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Current USPS Postage rates

The work that we perform, NCOA, CASS certification and PAVE sortation very significantly reduces postage costs over regular First class mail. Below you can scroll down to First Class Commercial rates, these rates are as much as 24% lower than regular First class mail. Scroll further down to Commercial Marketing mail to see even lower postage rates, as much as 2/3 off.

It is almost impossible to quote exact postage for your mailings without having your actual mail list in hand along with the mailpiece characteristics.  For the processed and sorted mail that we do there are many individual postage rates within each mailing and therefore only an overall average postage rate. If a Mailing Service Provider (MSP) quotes you a postage price not having your list in hand, you can be assured that you are being quoted the highest possible rates. With our extensive experience we can give you a good estimate, however.

Generally, the higher density (more geographically concentrated) and closer to home; the lower the postage costs. Also, the heavier the piece; the higher the postage.

Some basic prices for under 1 oz. mailpieces:
First class letters with stamps: 68¢  (24¢ ea. add'l oz.)
First class presort letters: 50.7¢  - 58.6¢   (same cost up to 3.5 oz.!)
Marketing mail letters: 29.5¢ - 38.5¢   (same cost up to 3.5 oz.!)

First class postcards: 53¢ 
First class presort postcards: 35.7¢ - 39.0¢ 
Marketing mail postcards: 29.5¢  - 38.5¢ (same as letter size rate)

First class large cards/envelopes (flats, 1st oz): $1.39   (24¢ ea. add'l oz.)
First class presort flats: 84.1¢ - $1.244    (24¢ ea. add'l oz.)
Marketing mail flats: 20.1¢ - $1.006    (same cost up to 4.0 oz.!)

Eddm retail flats: 20.3¢ 
Eddm commercial flats: 20.2¢ - 30.6¢ 

Non-profit mailers (usps authorized) are about half of the regular Marketing Mail rates.

Here's the actual USPS current price sheet:

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